I came across Talee and the Fallen Object written by Jaquitta A. McManus, while trying to device a marketing plan for Goo and Spot and the Do NOt Wiggle Riddle. Author Jaquitta A. McManus, is a brilliant example of a well executed book launch.
I decided to take a peek at her book, hoping to introduce chapter books to my nearly five year old. I must admit- initially Yumi, showed little interest in the book and asked “where are the PICTURES?” There are beautifully illustrated pictures in this early reader chapter book, but being that Yumi and I still read only picture books she expected ALL pictures. Well if you know my sassy little lady, it was more like demanded. I put the book down and gave it a second try a week later, this time I had read the book previously and had gotten a feel for the style and the story.
Talee spelled T-A-L-E-E and pronounced (TAH-Lee), is an eight year old girl who introduces herself to the reader by teaching us the correct pronunciation as well as the spelling, which I thought was both clever and adorable. Yumi, can definitely relate, as she has recently shown an interest in spelling (her new favorite thing to do besides draw) and is quick to tell you her name is pronounced (YOU-ME) not YUMMY!
From the very first page the reader is engaged with the following… “I just came in from outside. The sun is warm. Can you feel it?” this sets the tone of the story about a chatty and curious little girl with a bit of sassiness, who lives in an extraordinary place. Author Jaquitta A. McManus, has created great balance by writing a fantasy adventure with a character who is charmingly relatable, and a planet that is equally magical.
The planet of Gala, “the best planet ever.” is composed of floating land masses filled with Calpas,” big friendly flying animals.” What I loved about the book was how believable the character of Talee, is- a spunky, mischievous little girl that is not much unlike my own little girl.
Although this book is not something I would have typically read to Yumi, after the first chapter she did not even remember her demand for pictures, she was engaged in the story and made two new comments “oh that Calpa is so cute!” and “that’s all you will read tonight?” (wanting to be read more of the story).
I do think it is a bit too difficult for younger children to follow by themselves but would definitely recommend it for children 6years old to 9years old. Or if you are looking to introduce chapter books to your young children by reading out-loud, start here and check out Talee and the Fallen Object by Jaquitta A. McManus.
Amazon.com: Talee and the Fallen Object eBook: Jacquitta A. McManus, Brian Hardison: Kindle Store
And the website with Free Coloring pages of the book and a bonus “write your own story” page that encourages kids to write!
» Talee and the Fallen Object Coloring Book Adventure: Preview Talee’s World

Thank you for checking out my book. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
It was truly a pleasure! And thanking for stoping by the blog. Yumi and I are looking forward to read more of your books, they are refreshingly new yet comfortingly relatable.