Dreaming of the day I have my little house in the country, for now, I write about it.
Fields of Green
If you have ever stood facing the ocean and found yourself shading your eyes and squinting to try and see as far as possible, then you can imagine what it is like to stand in front of acres and acres of green alfalfa fields. At first you can see the alfalfa plants strand by strand and row by row after a while the lines blur and it becomes a sea of green, swaying with the wind the way the waves sway in the ocean. At sea there will occasionally be a solitary boat calmly sailing deep off into the distance, and it seems to fit in so perfectly, so naturally, that you almost forget it’s man-made. That’s the way I feel about our house which is surrounded by fields of green as far-off as the eye can see, the house seems to belong here just as much as I do…